What constitutes our memory of bodily experience? What role do images and artistic figures play in such memorizing? What storytelling techniques can we use to mediate body memory in order to avoid not only the dichotomy of body/consciousness, but also male/female, subject/object, individual/collective?
Focusing on the topic of body memory and its relationship to visual representations and their technologies, this artistic research critically addresses the existing medical representations of the body as an archive of our memory of it, and at the same time tries to create its own methodology of mediating body memory through digital image. Specifically, the research deals with bodily experiences within the field of gynecology and reproductive medicine.
Fake It Till You Make It: digital morphology
2023, Installation

The installation is based on a dataset of microscopic images intended for training AI to detect "bad bacteria" in vaginal mucus. AI learns to recognize the boundaries of good and bad companions within the microflora based on medically generated input data. Through the added elements of optical illusion and the rollage technique applied to a 3D model of the female immune system, in this installation the artist explores the layering and reproduction of the concepts of the boundaries of the body and the environment, as well as human and non-human vision, produced by this human-machine diagnosis.
The project was supported by UMPRUM, SGS fuding.
Wombs & Brains (Mm..Fantasy)
film, 9 min 14 sec, 2022

Encountering images of one's own body during a medical examination can create an easy alienation. The film Wombs and Brains is a short experimental documentary based on autobiographical memories as well as scientific narratives related to body memory. Through camera lens, 3D visualization and simulation, the artist performs her own way of looking at embodiment as an intersection of various memories and histories.
Listy sobě, listy k sobě
Perfomance, 20 min, 2021
The performative lecture, which took place in the Display gallery as part of the exhibition Wom*n - Rose - Song - Bone, critically discusses plant metaphors and the symbolism of the sexualized body in science. When does metaphoricity open the body to its elusiveness and when, on the contrary, does it castrate the possibilities of its knowledge?

Unbreading Memory (Performative lecture with Katerina Konvalinova)
Unbreading Memory is the performative lecture, that combines Katerina's long-term research on the application of non-human perspectives in agricultural practice with my own artistic research exploring the experimental nature of body memory and its boundaries. Using techniques of meditation, evocative storytelling, and collective movement, we aimed to confound our own perspectives on body location and ownership, as well as to delve deeper into the history of mutual "human and animal" domestication. The lecture was part of WOODS: More-than-Human Curiosity, Symposium in Písečná. The lecture was supported by UMPRUM, SGS fuding.