The two-year artistic research project with Matěj Pavlík deals with the role of the protest image and its possible impact on real social, political, and economic changes. Through its individual outputs, the project offers multiple perspectives on the use of visual or audiovisual documentation as a possible emancipatory tool of the people.

The project was supported by Czech Ministry of Culture and

Leaflets and Sympathies

Video, 2019

Leaflets and Sympathies, 2019, video
Leaflets and Sympathies, 2019, video

Leaflets and Sympathies is an audiovisual poem that works with archival materials recorded by students of FAMU during the 1989 strikes and protests at the Ležáky coal mine. The central motif of the video is the refusal of the miners and other workers to participate in the protests and strikes. This situation is reconstructed by the authors at the site of the defunct mine, now the location of Lake Most, which was created in the scope of landscape reclamation activities. In the video, the documentation of the miners refusing to participate in strikes alternates with documentation of the mined and, by extension, reclaimed landscape. The video thus ultimately shows one place as both a battleground of various calls for solidarity and as an embodiment of the neglected factors of their failure to be answered.

Streaming and Belonging

Pdf Lecture, 2017

Streaming and Belonging (pdf version), design by Filip Kraus
Streaming and Belonging (pdf version), design by Filip Kraus

To Live with Ghosts

Video, 2017

To Live with Ghosts is the pilot audiovisual work of the project Tender Information Battles. The short film is an experimental visual investigation of a single image and its links to specific policies and the places of their implementation. The initial motive for the creation of the video was the purchasing of a license from the Czech News Agency for a photograph of “sleeping protesters in front of the Czech Radio building in Pilsen.” The video addresses the question of how the legislative (and institutional) frameworks of a recording can relate to our possibilities of formulating a voice of protest.

To Live with Ghosts

Interview with Filip Láb: Citizen Photojournalism


The interview, conducted with Filip Láb, was recorded in 2020. It aims to contextualize of the phenomenon of so-called citizen journalism within the framework of digital technologies. The interview is published in memoriam of Filip Láb. Authors, authors and collaborations.

You can listen to the full lenght interview on website